Sunday, May 3, 2020

Role of Vitamin and Calcium in Bone Formation

Question: Discuss about theRole of Vitamin and Calcium in Bone Formation. Answer: Function of Calcium and Vitamin D: Calcium is a mineral that is actually the building blocks of bone and takes part in maintaining the bone strength throughout the lifetime of an individual (Rubin, Weiss James, 2013). However calcium can only reach its potential in bone building activity if only vitamin S is present. Vitamin mainly helps the body to absorb calcium. thereby they coordinate among themselves that is calcium helps in building bones and vitamin helps the body in absorbing calcium. Sources: Calcium is obtained from reduced fat or skimmed milk, low fat fruity yogurt, calcium fortified juice, Swiss cheese and calcium fortified certain cereals. Vitamin D is obtained from sunlight. Besides it is also obtained from Vitamin D fortified milk, fatty fish as well as egg yolks ("Vitamin D", 2017). Deficiency: Nutrients like vitamin D along with magnesium and phosphorus help in calcium absorption and therefore it deficient in turn leads to dietary calcium deficiency as the calcium cannot be absorbed (Yong, 2016). Moreover, lack of vitamin D in diet along with lack of exposure to sunlight causes osteomalacia or rickets in children resulting in softening of bones. It results in impairment in bone mineralization and bone damage. Also results in the When there is inadequate calcium intake, the calcium stores in the body will eventually deplete. This will result in the weakening of the bones as well as osteoporosis. References: Rubin, R. P., Weiss, G. B., James Jr, W. (2013).Calcium in biological systems. Springer Science Business Media. Vitamin D. (2017) Retrieved 21 April 2017, from Yong, T. Y. (Ed.). (2016).Recent Advances in Geriatric Medicine: Chronic Diseases in Geriatric Patients(Vol. 1). Bentham Science Publishers.

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